سيارات مصنوعة من القهوة!

التاريخ : 2019-12-10 (06:34 PM)   ،   المشاهدات : 1158   ،   التعليقات : 0

سيارات مصنوعة من القهوة!

American automaker Ford has announced a shift to using coffee bean waste to create new components for cars, in partnership with the McDonald's chain.

According to the "Daily Mail" will make the new parts of coffee, which consumes less energy compared to traditional plastic parts, and will also be lighter, which makes cars more energy-efficient.

Ford said, via its Twitter account, that bark-based bioplastics are used as a substitute for plastics in a number of different parts, including new front housings, which will be 20% lighter and require 25% less energy to form.

"This has been a priority for Ford for more than 20 years, and this is an example of an important leap in starting a closed economy, as different industries work together and exchange materials," said Debbie Miliowski, of Ford, in a statement.

It should be noted that when coffee is crushed and roasted, the last thin film of protective material around the coffee bean, called the peel, becomes dry and falls as waste.

These light and leaf byproducts are commonly used in organic fertilizer, but in recent years they have become a desirable ingredient for bio-plastic.

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